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Changes that could be made in my study programme.

Hello everyone, today I talk about some changes that could be made in my study programme. I think that could changes the curriculum because think that this have subjects that no is necessary for my future for example each students have that choose two subjects that are called CFG, this is aside of the subjects common for all the students, if with the subject common is stressful with other more is very difficult be able to approve all. Also, I think that the Workload is high, and each subject is of great demand and required of a lot of time of study. The faculty I think that should have more spaces common for that the students we can study, for example a library bigger, more spaces for eat, this faculty have only a cafeteria. Also, should have more classrooms these should be more equipped; more laboratories, although the university has but I think that this could improve and help more to the students. Other changes that should make is a classroom of computation, this room is ver
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