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Post 8: Personal opinions

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

If I could have an exotic pets for example I could have an iguana, I always wanted to have a because once I saw one in an exhibition and they are really nice; of color green, this is an animal that required special cares, its natural habitat is a zone of thick vegetation and weather moderate, it feeds with insects, fruits, vegetables, leaves and plants.
Its size when young is of 5 cm however when adults is approximately 180 cm, then I could not have a; are big.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think that the legalize the marijuana could be good for stop the traffic and each people that want have could have for their consumed; however, I do not know that could change if many people the consume even if it is not legal.

What is your opinion about tattoos?

I think that there are some tattoos that are beautiful how when the people have tattooed their pets, or other peoples have some symbols, also there is people that have a symbolic picture, besides many people have tattooed name of their family.
However, when the people have all the body tattooed, I think that is horrible, is my opinion, I could me tattooed in future something how a butterfly or turtle.

What is your opinion about recycling?

Recycle is very good, because with this we can help the planet, decreased the garbage; my family especially my mom recycles all the that she can, each day I separate the bottles or articles of glass, also paperboard, each day with my sisters we are recycling more.


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